Expose service via TLS stunnel

Published by @ultradesu on 2023-12-18

First of all, I encountered an issue with the Outline VPN server, which exposes Prometheus metrics on with no option to change it. As a solution, I used stunnel4. Essentially, it works as a TLS proxy, listening on a configured port and forwarding traffic to another.

[Server1 (stunnel server)] <==> [Server2 (stunnel client)]

Server side

Install stunnel and create configs:

ab@cy:/etc/stunnel$ cat outline_prom.conf
debug = 5
output = /var/log/stunnel.log

accept =
connect =
PSKsecrets = /etc/stunnel/psk.txt

psk.txt is a credentials file and looks like:

# I used `openssl rand -hex 32` to generate secret
ab@cy:/etc/stunnel$ cat psk.txt

Client side

psk.txt the same and config looks like:

ab@home:/etc/stunnel$ cat /etc/stunnel/outline_prom.conf
client = yes
accept =
connect = cy.hexor.cy:9095
PSKsecrets = /etc/stunnel/psk.txt